

Your emotions are not likely to be light or breezy right now, dear Libra, but neither are they burdensome. Vulnerability that you may be feeling these days can open the door to more compassion and understanding, not only with others but with your own emotions, which has the effect of building a more protective and nurturing environment for yourself. 

As an artist and a creative I'm often finding myself at a crossroads.  Too many ideas, not enough, too many opinions or too many critiques.  I've ventured out a lot lately.  I have tried new experiences with my photography, attempted ideas I'd never dreamed of attempting, and collaborated with people I've wanted to collaborate with for a long time.  Have I made mistakes in there?  Sure.  I'm sure I've made some along the way.  Maybe a shot was over exposed or I missed a clip on the back of a dress in editing...maybe I missed THE shot because I was busy fiddling with my settings. 

I was talking to a new friend today about challenges and crossroads and how important it is to embrace those stepping stones of growth.  It is my belief that these experiences, be they failures or successes, are critical to moving further.  Actually critical.  So why then, when doubt creeps in, and fear starts to slide into the picture do I resist the urge to learn and embrace the safety of what I know.  Human nature.  Yeah.  Security, fear...all of that. 

Spring is coming.  It's this time of year that I struggle most.  The nasty weather becomes all encompassing for weeks.  Mud, slush, and grimy wet puddles find me glaring out the window and wishing that the sun would swing around already and bring summer, full of bounty and opportunities to trip along the creative stepping stones that might otherwise become stumbling blocks for my creativity.  Crossroads, yes.  Not a stop sign though.  Spring still holds a bit of promise yet.

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