
The Power of the Kick

Allow your added responsibilities to forge even greater power and self-assurance. Ironically, much of your inner strength may be cultivated by facing and overcoming frustrations and obstacles. So tackle challenges as if they are tailor made to teach you something valuable.

January is a tough time for me.  Almost as tough as April...ugh, April.  The longer shadows start to make it easier to bear the cold, and if I get a chance to see them, the sunsets enchant me.  The tough part is the responsibilities that crop up this time of year in my 'regular' job.  Retesting, recommitment, reexamination...it's all there again...rules, regulations and guidelines all to be revisited and reevaluated. 

For most of the country, January is a time of new discovery.  It's a time to find a quest to pull through the year.  A time to begin something anew.  For me though, this January has been about going back and doing over.  It's frustrating.  It's also realistic and needed though and since that is my reality, I need to find more ways to buck the system in little ways.  More ways to begin anew. 

A stolen self portrait on a frigid -11 degree winter afternoon between appointments...that's my way of bucking the system for today.  Connecting with a friend who lives far to far a distance from me...that's my way of bucking the system.  It's not the size of the buck, it's the power of the kick.  Right? 

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