
There Aren't That Many R's in the Box

I had one of 'those weeks' before Monday was even half way over.  If I'd paid attention I'd have known it was coming.  The cold snap broke, the air started to clear, the moon was low and beautiful in the sky, and I'd just come off a kick-ass weekend...I should have known something was coming.  It was one of those moments when all the wrong things were said in all the wrong ways and I was in the midst of it all.  Naturally.

For the most part, I spend my days with my students and with myself.  I don't eat lunch outside of my classroom.  I eat alone.  I find it's not a horrible way to spend the time...in silence.  I guess.  But sometimes the Libra in me pops to the surface.  I want conversation, laughter, a face to talk to besides the Rango poster on my classroom wall.  Unfortunately this week I just couldn't find it, or I just didn't go searching because sometimes when I do venture out...like on Monday, I'm just met with disappointment in the end anyway.

Changes are on the horizon though.  Of that I am certain, as certain as I am that I should have known a rough patch was coming on, and as certain as I am that there may have been only one R in that entire box of Scrabble Cheez-Its. 

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